Monday, June 2, 2008

Welcome to my new home

Summer, 2004: The escalator descending into Dupont Circle station was turned off tonight, silent in the muggy wash of laughter, cabs honking, and shouted conversation flowing out from the bars and the traffic circle. As I picked my way down several flights' worth of steps, I passed a twenty-something man standing very determinedly upright. He had planted himself firmly on one step, head nodding but spine straight, as if by standing just so he knew that somehow, in spite of his drunkenness, he would make it to wherever he was going. When I hopped off the bottom step and turned to scan the steady stream of people behind me, I could just barely see him still standing near the top. An hour later, finally at home, I wonder if he's made it to the bottom of the escalator yet.


This is one of my earliest memories of D.C. at night, just after I moved here from Pennsylvania. I'm happy to call this city my home now. The people here, the city itself, and how they contrast with the other places I've been have inspired much of the stuff I write.

Now that I'm starting to submit and publish those writings, I keep getting two questions that usually result in me looking down, shuffling my feet, making some kind of weird face and saying, "Um..." Those questions are:

1. So what do you write about?

2. Do you have a blog (or a website)?

The answer to the first question hasn't really changed. However, the answer to the second one is, finally: YES! Now I do. And now I get to order a whole new set of business cards.

The current plan is to update once a week or so with new articles, things I've posted on other blogs, and/or random writings like the sketch above. It would be more often if I didn't have pesky things like that full-time job that pays for my rent and writing habit, or classes so I can actually learn how to write articles... but hey, can't have everything, right?

1 comment:

DLC said...

Once a week!?!?